Friday, July 20, 2012

Brief background....

Brief Background:

     Me: Lifelong (aka "cradle") Episcopalian currently living in South Carolina and worshipping in the Diocese of South Carolina. [For those who don't know, there are two Episcopal dioceses in this state. The Diocese of South Carolina  which roughly covers the eastern half of the state from Columbia to the Coast and the Diocese of Upper South Carolina which covers the rest of the state (from Columbia westward)].

     The Diocese of South Carolina:
Some brief facts about the diocese.
The diocese was established in 1785 and is one of the original nine dioceses that came together in 1789 to form the Protestant Episcopal Church USA (now known as the Episcopal Church USA).  The diocese has its origins during the colonial period with several parishes in the diocese being 300+ years old.  These parishes continue to be active in the ministry and work of the diocese. For more history of the diocese, please read the excellent article at Wikipedia .

Recent history from the diocese's website:
      The Diocese of South Carolina has over 29,000 baptized members spread across the eastern and coastal portion of the state. Of the 181 priests canonically resident in our diocese, 107 are actively serving in parishes and missions.

      In response to the current situation in the Anglican Communion and the Episcopal Church, Bishop Lawrence, the 14th Bishop of the Diocese, in his message at the 2009 Diocesan Convention, urged us to focus on "Making Biblical Anglicans for a Global Age."
       Our continuing mission is, "To respond to the Great Commission by so presenting Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit that all may come to know Him as Savior and follow Him as Lord in the 
fellowship of His Church".

       This diocese is one of a handful of conservative dioceses still in the Episcopal Church. The other 
conservative dioceses are Albany, Central Florida, Dallas, and Springfield. The ongoing controversies in the Episcopal Church have been simmering for decades and have ocassinally boiled over at General Convention (the every three year gathering of lay and clergy deputies and bishops) . It is impossible to give any sort of attention to these controversies on a personal blog and expect a full and impartial statement of facts but I will give links to those who have analyzed some of the worst and more recent 
crisises in TECUSA as I find documents and blogs and link to them. 

O K. This was not so brief but it is background. On to a funny/ironic post about the 77th General 
Convention of the  Episcopal Church that just happened  (July 5-12th,2012). If you like C. S. Lewis' book, The Screwtape Letters, I think you will enjoy "Screwtape goes to General Convention".  

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